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Writing a good story is a craft that requires thought, organization and a little bit of creativity. A story is different than simply an essay. An essay recounts events and spells out facts and or opinions, whereas a story circles around an event. Here are some tips to help you to write the type of story we are looking for:


Keep it simple. Don't try to make a whole lot of points. Instead focus on a slice or vignette in your life; possibly an aha moment.

Please show, not tell, your story. The actions of the story should unfold, thus releasing the emotion and facts. Remember, a story has a clear beginning, middle and end. Develop your characters--DIALOGUE IS ENCOURAGED, and readers can imagine events better when they are "hearing" what people actually said.

Facts are great, but don't forgot to include some description. Use your senses. Take the reader to your world. Use active, exciting verbs.

Feelings are the core of a good story. Make sure you are sharing not just what you are experiencing, but how you are experiencing it. It needs to be real and raw.

Do not spell out your lessons at length if they can be left implied. Readers are intelligent--let them come to their own conclusions. Be a sharer--not a preacher.

Non-cliche metaphors and creative writing are encouraged, as long as they do not detract from the story. They should be natural, not forced, and they can help to paint a picture in the reader's mind.

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